Experiencing sexual harassment at work is challenging, and it becomes even more difficult when your employer ignores your reports. In Virginia, employment laws protect you. It may be helpful to consider steps to take if you find yourself in this situation. Document...
Workplace discrimination
5 hidden types of workplace discrimination
In the modern workplace, the battle against discrimination is far from over. While overt forms of bias have been widely addressed, subtle and insidious forms of discrimination persist beneath the surface. Understanding and recognizing these hidden nuances is important...
You do not have to put up with sexual harassment at the office
It can be quite challenging to deal with feeling uncomfortable or even unsafe at work as a result of another employee's actions. You can find yourself in a situation where you no longer want to go to work. You don't have to put up with someone acting inappropriately...
What can you do about an unlawful termination?
Businesses can often fire their workers at any time as long as they are not violating the law. However, some terminations are unlawful. An illegal dismissal happens when an employer fires their employee against the terms of an employment contract or federal or state...
Policies on federal employees’ marijuana use are inconsistent
While marijuana is increasingly becoming legalized for recreational as well as medicinal use (for example, in Virginia and Washington, D.C.), it’s still illegal under federal law. That can be a problem for federal employees as well as applicants for federal jobs who...
Do you have to tell your employer you have a medical condition?
Many people suffer from illnesses and disabilities that are largely invisible. However, they can sometimes flare up and require care. A number of neurological conditions fit this description. The same is true for conditions like migraines or lupus. Some people feel...
Is age discrimination really that pervasive in the workplace?
A few white hairs and fine lines don’t have anything to do with your professional skills. In fact, you like to think that your experience has made you better than ever at your job. Do your co-workers and bosses feel the same? While you may see yourself as “seasoned,”...
Do you have rights when applying for jobs?
You probably know you have certain rights when you work for a company. Yet, you might not realize that you also have rights when applying to work for a firm. Unfortunately, some employers continue to violate applicants' rights, either intentionally or by accident....
2 ways employers show religious discrimination
If there were a study at your job, you may find many of your coworkers have some form of belief in a higher power. Employees have rights that intend to prevent religious discrimination, but that doesn’t mean those policies always work. While many people can agree that...
Do employers have to create diverse and inclusive workplaces?
Employers have an obligation by law to create diverse and inclusive workplaces free of discriminatory practices. Workers of all backgrounds should be safe, welcome, be treated fairly and feel respected and valued. There are federal and state laws that govern this...